Curriculum Vitae: .pdf2014
Larson, E.R, Boyer, A.G. and Paul R. Armsworth. 2014. Little evidence of behavioral responses to changing economic conditions by biodiversity conservation nonprofits. Ecology and Evolution - In Press |
Boyer, A.G. and W. Jetz. 2014. Extinctions and the loss of ecological function in island bird communities. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 23:679-688. DOI: 10.1111/geb.12147 | link |
Saarinen, J.J, Boyer, A.G., Brown, J.H., et al. (18 authors). 2014. Patterns of maximum body size evolution in Cenozoic land mammals: eco-evolutionary processes and abiotic forcing. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, Biological Sciences. 281:20132049. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2013.2049 | link |
Theodor, J., Boyer, A.G. and Currie, D. 2014. Species Diversity. pp. 649-758, in F.A. Smith, J. Gittleman, J.H. Brown, eds. Foundations of Macroecology. Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago, IL | link |
Duncan, R., Boyer, A.G. and T. Blackburn. 2013. Magnitude and variation of prehistoric bird extinctions in the Pacific. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 110: 6336-6411. DOI:10.1073/pnas.1216511110 | link| Quirks and Quarks radio show | Science NOW | Huffington Post | The EEB and Flow |
Fishburn, I., Boyer, A.G., Kareiva, P., Gaston, K. and P.R. Armsworth. 2013. Tracking a Shift from Opportunistic to Systematic Patterns of Conservation Investment by a Major Land Trust. Biological Conservation. 161:223-229. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2013.02.007 | link |
Okie, J. G., Boyer, A. G., Brown, J. H., et al. (18 authors). 2013. Effects of allometry, productivity and lifestyle on rates and limits of body size evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 280: 20131007. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2013.1007 | link |
McClain, C.R., Durst, P.A.P., Boyer, A.G. and C.D. Francis. 2013. Unraveling the Determinants of Insular Body Size Shifts. Biology Letters DOI:10.1098/rsbl.2012.0989 | link |
Boyer, A.G. and W. Jetz. 2012. Conservation Biology, pp. 271-279 in R. Sibly, J.H. Brown, A. Kodric-Brown, eds. Metabolic Ecology: a scaling approach. Wiley-Blackwell | link |
Smith, F.A. and Boyer, A.G. 2012. Losing time? Incorporating a deeper temporal perspective into modern ecology. Frontiers of Biogeography. 4: 26-39 |
Evans, A.R., Jones, D., Boyer, A.G., et al. (17 authors). 2012. The maximum rate of mammal evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 109: 4187-4190. | PNAS Commentary | | National Geographic News | MSNBC | Nature News |
Davidson, A.D., Boyer, A.G., Kim, H., Pompa-Mansilla, S., Hamilton, M.J., Costa, D.P..Ceballos, G., and J.H. Brown. 2012. Drivers and hotspots of extinction risk in marine mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 109: 3395-3400. | data| National Geographic Newswatch |
Kowalewski, M., J.L. Payne, F.A. Smith, S. C. Wang, D.W. McShea, S. Xiao, P. Novack-Gottshall, C.R. McClain, R.A. Krause Jr., A.G. Boyer, et al. (15 authors). 2011. The Geozoic Supereon. Palaios. 26: 251-255. |
Payne, J.L, McClain, C.R., Boyer, A.G. et al. (14 authors) 2011. The evolutionary consequences of oxygenic photosynthesis: a body size perspective. Photosynthesis Research 107: 37-57. |
Smith, F.A., Boyer, A.G., et al. (20 authors). 2010. The Evolution of Maximum Body Size of Terrestrial Mammals. Science 330: 1216-1219. | BBC News & New Haven Register |
Boyer, A.G., James, H.F., Olson, S.L. and Grant-Mackie, J.A. 2010. Long-term ecological change in a conservation hotspot: The fossil avifauna of Mé Auré Cave, New Caledonia. Biodiversity and Conservation 19:3207-3224 |
Boyer, A.G. and W. Jetz. 2010. Biogeography of Body Size in Pacific Island Birds. Ecography (invited) 33:369-379 | SOM |
Boyer, A.G. 2010. Consistent Ecological Selectivity Through Time in Pacific Island Avian Extinctions. Conservation Biology 24:511-519 | SOM | Coverage on & |
Boyer, A.G., J.L.E. Cartron and J.H. Brown. 2010. Interspecific pairwise relationships among body length, clutch size, and latitude: anatomy of a macroecological paradox in birds. Journal of Biogeography 37:47-56 |
A.D. Davidson, M.J. Hamilton, A.G. Boyer, J.H. Brown, and G. Ceballos. 2009. Multiple ecological pathways to extinction in mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 106:10702-10705 | Supplement | news |
McClain, C.R. and Boyer A.G. 2009. Biodiversity and Body Size Are Linked Across Metazoans. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 276:2209-2215 |
Payne, J., Boyer, A.G., et al. 2009. Two-phase increase in the maximum size of life over 3.5 billion years reflects biological innovation and environmental opportunity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 106:24-27 | data | Wired Science |
J.C. Nekola, A.L. Sizling, A.G. Boyer, and D. Storch. 2008. Artifactions in the Log-Transformation of Species Abundance Distributions. Folia Geobotanica 43:259-268 |
Boyer, A.G. 2008. Extinction Patterns in the Avifauna of the Hawaiian Islands.Diversity and Distributions 14: 509-517 | data | Raising Islands: Hawai'i Science and Environment |
McClain, C.R., A.G. Boyer, and G. Rosenberg. 2006. The Island Rule and the Evolution of Body Size in the Deep Sea. Journal of Biogeography 33:1578-1584 | Discovery News |
Boyer, A.G., R.E. Swearingen, M.A. Blaha, C.T. Fortson, S.K. Gremillion, K.A. Osborn, and M.D. Moran. 2003. Seasonal Variation in Top-down and Bottom-up Processes in a Grassland Arthropod Community. Oecologia 136:309-316 |